вторник, 18 февраля 2020 г.


I guess I was wrong. I just downloaded this cool little program that allows you to change the name of the start button. That will take you back to command. Feb 9, Messages: Your name or email address: startbtn

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Type exit and hit enter. Type in edit test. Here is another method of renaming start in XP. Unfortunatly to change the name permanently you have to use command line startbhn which i know nothing about sadly Can anyone who has used this program before or any techies who want to help me out please reply to this post?

This is all new to me but here is what I did. Create a Batch file and put it in your Startup folder. Entering a command or renaming "start" in the program itself changes "start" but only for about 5 minutes.

[Release] Startbtn Renamer -->Jan/28/<-- - Discussion Board

You're there, just type in your command and hit enter. It didn't seem to work for me but did for others: Welcome to Tech Support Guy! stqrtbtn

Typing exit and hitting enter should get you out as will just quitting it. I can now enter the commands and change the start button but a reboot erases those changes.

SquashmanApr 22, Join overother people just like you! Feb 9, Messages: I just downloaded this cool little program that allows you to change the name of the start button. Discussion in ' All Other Software ' started by guitarmaniacApr 13, This was my first attempt at a batch file but my issue seems to be with the program itself.

That will take you back to command. Tech Support Guy is completely free -- paid for by advertisers and donations. Yeah I tried running command line prompt and had the same problem but it thought is was just because i dont really use CMD.


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I have followed the instructions for StartBtn Renamer but nothing is permanent. How do i stsrtbtn a batch file to change the start button name?

StartBtn Renamer

My problem is that command prompt says there is no such program installed. Creating a atartbtn file and entering that in "startup" will change "start" within Windows for about 5 minutes or about 20 seconds when I reboot. Yes, my password is: Join our site today to ask your question.


If you're not already familiar with forums, watch our Welcome Guide to get started. I guess I was wrong.

RyanVM.net Discussion Board

No, create an account now. Are you looking for the solution to your stratbtn problem? This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register.


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