четверг, 20 февраля 2020 г.


The full list of models with related support is provided in the table below. The final extrapolation to a depth of 12, m is done using the values measured by Taira et al. Increased spatial resolution 16x Release of the decadal climatologies which were used to calculate the final long-term climatological mean fields. The search algorithm will not respect topographic boundaries and may extrapolate profiles using data from a neighboring oceanographic basin. WOA13 represents the ocean state variables of temperature and salinity with more detail and less uncertainty than WOA09 due to large increases in data holdings and better temporal and spatial coverage coupled with refined analysis and quality control techniques:. woa09

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This could be improved by searching for the nearest neighbor grid node at the deepest level observed in the basin using the basin mask woa90. However, the resulting search radius is function of the regular grid resolution at which each model output is published.

The cast extrapolation algorithm vertically extends temperature and salinity profiles as deep as possible using the estimates immediately local to the area of the cast in wox09 WOA or OFS.

Release of the decadal climatologies which were used to calculate the final long-term climatological mean fields. Increased vertical resolution 3x in the upper ocean, 2x below m.

World Ocean Atlas 2009

Increased spatial resolution 16x Release of the decadal climatologies which were used to calculate the final long-term climatological mean fields.

More information can be found online at: Number of Mean Values within Radius of Influence. Statistical Mean minus Objectively Analyzed Climatology.


The search algorithm will not respect topographic boundaries and may extrapolate profiles using data from a neighboring oceanographic basin. Future versions of the algorithm will address this shortcoming as well, likely with the use of the basin mask file provided with the WOA09 data set.

Their efforts have made this and similar works possible. World Ocean Atlasan atlas of objectively analyzed fields of major ocean parameters at monthly, seasonal, and annual time scales. List of references Next topic 2. Standard Error of the Statistical Mean.

WOA09 | crbantiques

In the specific, the package uses the WOA13v2 release that was prepared to address both methodology concerns and, to a lesser extent, quality control concerns which have surfaced since the initial release of Wla09 For more details, please see http: Currently the package supports a limited number of the RegOFS models.

Future updates to the WOA09 extraction algorithms will remedy this shortcoming. For the source code, go here. This is roughly equivalent to a search radius wao09 1. The search radius is set this large to enable the extension to at least estimate deeper temperature and salinity values in the case where the true depth at the requested location is significantly larger than the coarse depth reported in the WOA09 grid for that location the WOA09 grid depth will generally always be smaller than the true depth.

Documents outline an outline showing all sub-datasets and variables contained in this dataset. Note that this grid node search box becomes rapidly narrower in the east-west direction with latitude.

The downloaded subset is wia09 5x5 grid centered on the query location. Navigation index next previous HydrOffice Sound Speed WOA13 represents the ocean state variables of temperature and salinity with more detail and less uncertainty than WOA09 due to large increases in data holdings and better temporal and spatial coverage coupled with refined analysis and quality control techniques:.

ODV: World Ocean Atlas

Wed, 17 Oct We acknowledge the scientists, technicians, and programmers who have collected and processed data, those individuals who have submitted data to national and regional data centers as well as the managers and staff at the various data centers.

Standard Deviation from Statistical Mean.


The purpose of this group is to prepare research quality oceanographic databases, as well as to compute objective analyses of, and diagnostic studies based on, these databases. It also includes associated statistical fields of observed oceanographic profile data interpolated to standard depth levels on both 1 degree and 5 degree grids.

The final extrapolation to a depth of 12, m is done using the values measured by Taira et al.


World Ocean AtlasVolume 2: The RTOFS extension algorithm differs in the size of the search area 5x5roughly equivalent to a search radius of 0.

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